ADreNaLin is a place for art and music created on the SL metaverse. Events are organized around musicians, dj's and 2D & 3D creators.

The idea is the discovery, the gathering of artists, as well as a collaboration with other places of the same type in order to show the diversity of musical and other creators in Second life.

ADrenalin also proposes a place to watch movies, a 2D & 3D gallery ("Et Cetera..." gallery), a place for music and downstairs a place to relax but also for special events.

Thank you for your respect and interest.

You are all welcome and you can contact me IW, by email, here, or on FB...

Enjoy ADreNalin !

Music we like :
World Music, Electronic, Eclectic, Experimental, Industrial, Dark, Noise, Deep, Tech, Pagan, Ambiental, New wave, Soul, Alternative, Metal...


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