Moovie Place
How use the ADreNaLin cinema on a giant screen, sponsored by SHOUTCAST NET -
(high quality sound and visual) ? :
The video stream runs continuously, just click on Media stop the music of the land. If you arrive in the room while the movie is already running, you will have to come back to see it from the beginning or wait...
Enjoy another movie at ADreNaLin.
The film was very visionary when it was released (1998) at the time when reality TV was just starting to appear around the world. For us this movie was pure science fiction and anticipation. Just the fact of filming a person in his daily life and his intimacy seemed to us totally improbable. And yet today all this is no longer fiction but our reality. This film is a very good criticism of the reality TV or we see that a producer of Tv is ready to use the life of a man to create a TV show and to make of the audimat. We can ask ourselves this question: if the TV channels had the right and the means to adopt a child and to film him all his life would they do it? We can say that yes. The film also criticizes certain spectators who watch this kind of program. The fact that Truman is manipulated by a TV channel does not pose any problem of conscience.
ADreNaLin opens its cinema on a giant screen, sponsored by SHOUTCAST NET -
(high quality sound and visual)
The first film presented is one of the best in its category. The aesthetics, the sound, the realization is superb... I let you see it...
ADreNaLin opens its cinema on a giant screen, sponsored by SHOUTCAST NET - (high quality sound and visual), the video stream runs continuously, just click on Media. If you arrive in the room while the movie is already running, you will have to come back to see it from the beginning or wait...
The film presented is one of the best in its category. The aesthetics, the sound, the realization is superb... I leave you the surprise !!!